Monday, August 26, 2013

Sex and Politics

Sorry guys but I need to put things in perspective when I am within the confines of my blog.  I will be talking about political issues on a blog with sex as its primary concern.  So you would be asking what the hell is politics related to sex, or at least human relationships?  Here is the relationship.  Politicians are lousy sex partners.

Today is the anti-PDAF protest day.  Filipinos would be showing a million-strong indignation rally against the anomalous implementation of a questionable system.  They want it abolished.  What’s my stand?  I really don’t care.  I have done my share during the last two elections.  I did not vote for people whom I think do not have the capability to lead.  However, I lost.  I lost to the people who were blinded by mere name recognition and association.  I was disappointed but I moved on, until this morning.

I’ve heard a lot of opinions on the issue.  I listen to them on my left ear and let them fade out of my right ear.  What’s the use?  I don’t keep negative thoughts inside my head.  Just the same however, I still wanted to hear.  Just an hour ago, I listened to Senator Drilon being interviewed on TV.  I still have no idea where his position is with regards to the issue.  This would be interesting, I thought.

Sen. Drilon said that he started receiving his PDAF when PNoy also started to sit as the President.  He said that he gave his pork barrel to hospitals for indigent Filipinos.  Further, he said that he would refer poor Filipinos to these hospitals when they would go to his office and ask for help.  When he was asked if he would be agreeable for the abolition of the PDAF, he said he is.  The only question he is worried about is that what he would do if people would ask for help in his office.  This is his main argument.

What the hell!  What can I surmised with this argument?  Sen. Drilon is worried that his name would not be associated to whatever gain or help that one indigent Filipino receives.  He would be losing one vote.

Darn.  No wonder why politicians really want to have this.  And mind you, not all politicians receive this, only the allies.  Now, go figure what possible activities and implications could result to this process.  I will let the very people who voted for these greedy politicians to clean up the mess they own install.  I think most people in the rally today are the ones who voted for them.  I hope.  That would be a sign of their maturity.

But wait, where’s the sex relationship?  Hahaha.  Ok. Ok.

Politics is a social system.  It is like marriage.  When you decide to go into it, you must realize that there is a commitment and contract that goes with it.  Your marriage is with the people who voted for you. If you care for them, you’ll be faithful to them.  You would make them feel happy.  You would always reciprocate.  The problem is, politicians only care in the beginning, but when they already got what they want, they already forget.

Reciprocity is a key to social maturity, to sexual maturity.  You can never serve the purpose of the contract well if you do not understand what you are up to or you would not allow yourself to grow in the relationship. Right now, the political marital system is dubious.  The relationship is unhealthy and deserves rethinking.  Is counselling still an option, or we need to file a divorce or legal separation?  Is sexual maturity an important factor before we enter in a new relationship?


Mugen said...

Unless we forget, it's already been a failed marriage long before we were born. Lol.


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